Search results
Create the page "Hitesh" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- '''Local Electronics Engineer:''' Hitesh Gajjar ( KB (870 words) - 16:10, 17 November 2021
- * James: talk with Hitesh (electronics) about best ways to control filter mechanism924 bytes (148 words) - 13:21, 18 November 2019
- *Nic/Hannah/Hitesh need to go through Iains optical design pdf and give go-ahead with design.2 KB (317 words) - 13:41, 28 January 2020
- ...d be mapped out, especially taking into account the COVID-19 delays. Iain, Hitesh, and Nic to discuss during the following week.2 KB (403 words) - 15:56, 20 March 2020