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420 bytes added, 21:50, 24 October 2015
/* Finding a guide star & autoguiding */
* In "Pointers" click "XY+Win+G" then click the chosen guide star. This will centre the guide star on the image, window the chip and begin guiding.
* To stop or restart guiding (e.g. after brief intervals of cloud), press "GUIDE".
== TCS operations at the end of an observation ==
'''At the end of an observation:'''
* Click "Initialize" in "XY Slides Control".
* In "Exposures & Guiding" set "WINDOW" to "Full Frame".
* Move "GUIDE MIRROR" into beam to acquire next target.
'''At the end of the night:'''
* In "XY Slides Control", click "STOP" to cease A/G camera integrations.
* In "XY Slides Control", click "Initialize" to home the XY slides.
== Current known issues (last updated Nov 2013)==