

10 bytes added, 10:02, 21 July 2015
/* Rescuing Data */
and then answer the questions as prompted. You'll be prompted for a password, use the password for the user you logged in as.
* The telescope is the name of the telescope being used; either 40in or 74in.
* The instrument will be one of shocnawe (SHA) or shocndisbelief (SHD). These are used to create the directory and filename in the /data directory. The directory will be of the form /data/<telescope>/<instrumentlowercase_instrument>/<YYYY>/<MMDD>, and the file of the form <instrument>_<YYYYMMDD>.<index>.fits. From this, the instrument name can be determined. At the moment, SHA is the SHOC instrument mounted on the 74inch and SHD is on the 40in.
* You will be prompted for an index to use. NB: '''make sure there is no existing file with the same index that will be overwritten''' The script will scan the target directory and list the existing files. Choose and index which isn't used(one option is to use an index like 3a , if index 3 exists). In other words, if files such as SHA_20150403.0004.fits and SHA_20150403.0005.fits, choosing either index 4 or 5 will result in that file being overwritten. If you choose as index 4a or 5a, the files will not be overwritten.