

432 bytes added, 18:06, 25 March 2015
/* User's troubleshooting guide */
*** Copy the fits file to the hard disk: cp /data/spool/<above directory>data.fits /data/<telescope>/<instrument>/<CCYY>/<MMDD>/<instrument>_<YYMMDD>.<index>.fits. THE USER DOESN"T KNOW WHICH INSTRUMENT THEY ARE USING. CAN HIT TAB TO AUTOCOMPLETE FOR THE INSTRUMENT SECTIONS, BUT THAT MIGHT NOT ALWAYS WORK. ALSO, PERMISSION DENIED FOR THIS USER.
*** NB: make sure there is no file of the same name that you'd overwrite!
** Run the command to restart the webserver: restart_services. This will take a few seconds to complete. The web server should be accessible again. ** Return to the web browser , '''refresh the page,''' turn the camera back on, and continue with your acquisitionobserving. If the camera is non-responsive, run the restart_services command again.** Check that the file number is correct --- look at the Advanced Tab, and the Start Index should be that for the next file. Currently, for the Phase 1 software, this number seems to be the same as the file you just saved from spool and you will likely need to increase it by one.