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/* Constraints */
This section allows you to constrain the conditions in which your observation may be scheduled. Note that not all options have been implemented, and for those that are, being too restrictive with your selections reduces the scheduling opportunities for your observation.
*'''Maximum airmass''': The maximum allowable airmass of the target during the observation. The default is set to 1.6, which corresponds to an elevation of ~38.7 degrees. Lesedi’s tracking limit is 30 degrees elevation. If your observation needs to occur within a specific time window, ensure that you don’t set the maximum airmass so low as to prevent your observation from being scheduled in that window (i.e. target too low at that time). You can check this in the visibility plot generated in the next section.
*'''Minimum lunar separation''': The observation won’t be made when the moon is closer to the target than the angle entered here, regardless of lunar phase. The default is 30 degrees.
*'''Maximum lunar phase''': Enter a value between 0.0 (new moon) and 1.0 (full moon). This will prevent the observation from being scheduled when the moon is at a greater phase than specified. If you leave the box empty, it will default to 1.0.