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2,103 bytes added, 13:17, 18 October 2023
/* Local mode observing */
The telescope can be operated either remotely from Cape Town (remote mode), or locally from the dome (local mode). Users at the dome can slew the telescope either from the TCS or manually from the observing floor. This wiki gives instructions for all options.
= Remote observing =  ==Start-up recipe ==1. Switch ON '''lighting circuits''' at entrance to dome. 2. Switch OFF all downstairs & observing '''floor lights''' ([ having trouble finding the switches]?) 3. Check weather on the [ Sutherland weather website] -- '''only proceed if windspeed < 60 km/h; humidity <90%; T_external - T_dewpoint > 1.5.''' 4. Check '''Telescope Power Control''' is set to PLC at top of stairs (should be the default). 5. Ensure that the TCS software is running. 6. On the '''mimic panel''' in the control room:* Switch "TCS LOCKOUT" to the OFF position. '''First check that no one is working in the dome.'''* Switch the SMD to the OFF position. 7. On the '''floor control panel''' ensure that:* RA and Dec control are in the SLOW positions (should be the default).* Dome is on AUTO (should be the default).* Dome lights switch is in the OFF position. (should be the default). 8. Turn on '''Telescope Power''':  * ''TCS'': take TCS control (press FLOOR/TCS button) and turn on power (press "Telescope Power"). Button should go from red to green.* ''Manual'': Press and hold the green button for 3 sec. under "Power" on the control mimic panel in the control room.  Note: it takes 1-2 minutes for complete power up. 9. Open '''dome shutters''':* ''TCS'': Press DOME for drop down menu and select "Shutter open"* ''Manual'' On the dome control panel, press "local" to get control and then press "SHUTTERS OPEN" 10. Open '''mirror covers''':* ''TCS'': Press DOME for drop down menu and select "Mirror open"* ''Manual'' On the dome control panel, press "local" to get control. Use the ladder to press the "OPEN" on the north side of the telescope. 11. Lower '''windblind'''* ''TCS'': Press DOME for drop down menu and select "Blind lower"* ''Manual'' On the dome control panel, press "local" to get control and then press "WINDBLIND LOWER" 12. Set dome to Auto: press red "Man" button above shutter OPEN indicator on TCS. 13. Center the '''XY-slides''' (TCS).= Local mode observing =
== Start-up Recipe==
1. Switch ON '''lighting circuits''' at entrance to dome.