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67 bytes added, 10:26, 14 February 2023
/* Acquiring a target */
'''1.''' Follow the facility [[#Start-up recipes|start-up procedure]].
'''2.''' Check that the selected target is within the [[#Telescope pointing limits|pointing limits]]. If you're not sure, or want to find out the exact altaz of when your targetis visible, you can enter the coordinates into the input boxes on the upper left panel of the Controls tab, then click "Visibility...". This brings up a panel that shows the altitude and azimuth of the target at that moment, and the times at which the target rises and sets at the 30° altitude limit.
Then/or, either:
'''3(a)''' In the TCS '''Controls''' tab , in the boxes on the upper left panel, enter the RA, and Dec in sexagesimal (you can use not degrees). Use spaces for delimiters, i.e. hh mm ss (though colons will work too) - '''don't include any decimals''') and . Then enter the Equinox into , e.g. 2000 (don't include the boxes on the upper left panel "J") and click '''Go'''.