,/* Data Transfer */
==Data Transfer==
There is an automatic transfer of data from the instrument to the file servers in Sutherland and Cape Town, every morning at 7:30. So you should not need to worry about the security of your data. However, you'll still need to access your data! We describe here how to do this. There are two ways to transfer get the data: (1) directly to your computer from the instrument PC or (2) onto from the SAAO storage area network (SAN). The data are automatically copied to the server every morning (at 7:30am).* To use method (1) To transfer data directly to your computer, use the command line.:
** Open a shell on your local PC (Putty if you're using Windows or a bash/tcsh/sh if on Mac or Linux)
** Copy the data using the following command, depending on the telescope:
rsync -avzP"/data/40in/shd/2016/0503/*.fits" /LocalFilePath
rsync -avzP<YYYY>/<MMDD>/*.fits /LocalFilePath
rsync -avzP<YYYY>/<MMDD>/*.fits /LocalFilePath