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2 bytes removed, 20:12, 23 October 2015
/* Introduction */
NOTE: THIS PAGE REFERS TO THE LINUX- and WEB-BASED SOFTWARE (AS OF MARCH, 2015). For the original, manufacturer-based software and instrument commissioning details, please refer to the manual at
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=== Introduction ===
The SHOC systems consist of a filterwheel unit (with one or two filterwheels), a GPS unit for providing accurate timing triggers, an Andor iXon camera, and a control PC. Currently there are 2 full SHOC systems (shocnawe & shocndisbelief), and 1 development system running a different camera (shocnhorror). As of March 2015, the control software is web-based. Users point their browser to the instrument location, and separate tabs appear to allow control of the camera, GPS, and filter wheel. SHOC can be mounted on the 1.9- and 1-m telescopes. We have tried to make the usage telescope specific, but it is very useful to know which SHOC instrument is mounted on the telescope you are using. Details on instrument operation are below.