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6,817 bytes added, 15:10, 17 April 2015
/* Advanced users guide */
* You will be prompted for an index to use. NB: '''make sure there is no existing file with the same index that will be overwritten''' The script will scan the target directory and list the existing files. Choose and index which isn't used(one option is to use an index like 3a , if index 3 exists). In other words, if files such as SHA_20150403.0004.fits and SHA_20150403.0005.fits, choosing either index 4 or 5 will result in that file being overwritten. If you choose as index 4a or 5a, the files will not be overwritten.
====FITS Header Keywords====The FITS information is mostly drawn from the Andor camera. We have added additional keywords added to contain information on target (which can be entered by the user under the "advanced" tab in the web interface), the GPS settings, and from the telescope (when available -- currently only for the 74 inch). We have retained the raw state of Andor's keywords in order keep things as simple and straightforward as possible.  {| border="1" cellspacing="0" class="wikitable"!|Keyword and comments (example)!| Notes|-|SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard |-|BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel |-|NAXIS = 3 / number of data axes |-|NAXIS1 = 128 / length of data axis 1 |-|NAXIS2 = 128 / length of data axis 2 |-|NAXIS3 = 10 / length of data axis 3 |-|EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions |-|COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy|-|COMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H |-|BZERO = 32768 / offset data range to that of unsigned short |-|BSCALE = 1 / default scaling factor |-|HEAD = 'DU8201_UVB' / Head model |-|ACQMODE = 'Frame Transfer' / Acquisition mode |-|ACT = 1.11592 / Integration cycle time |-|KCT = 1.11592 / Kinetic cycle time |-|NUMACC = 1 / Number of integrations |-|NUMKIN = 10 / Series length |-|READMODE= 'Image ' / Readout mode |-|IMGRECT = '1, 1024, 1024, 1' / Image format |-|HBIN = 1 / Horizontal binning|-|VBIN = 1 / Vertical binning|-|SUBRECT = '897, 1024, 128, 1' / Subimage format|-|DATATYPE= 'Counts ' / Data type|-|XTYPE = 'Pixel number' / Calibration type |-|XUNIT = 0 / Calibration units |-|RAYWAVE = 0. / Rayleigh Wavelength |-|CALBWVNM= 0 / Wave calibration |-|TRIGGER = 'Internal' / Trigger mode|-|CALIB = '0,1,0,0 ' / Calibration|-|DLLVER = '2.97.30005.0' / Software Version|-|EXPOSURE= 1.10916 / Total Exposure Time|-|TEMP = -999. / Temperature |-|READTIME= 1.0E-06 / Pixel readout time|-|OPERATN = 4 / Type of system |-|GAIN = 0 / Gain|-|EMREALGN= 0 / EM Real Gain |-|VCLKAMP = 0 / Vertical Clock Amplitude|-|VSHIFT = 6.5E-06 / Vertical Shift Speed|-|OUTPTAMP= 'Conventional' / Output Amplifier |-|PREAMP = 1. / Pre Amplifier Gain |-|SERNO = 6448 / Serial Number |-|UNSTTEMP= -35.764 / Unstabilized Temperature|-|BLCLAMP = F / Baseline Clamp|-|PRECAN = 0 / Prescans |-|FLIPX = 1 / Horizontally Flipped |-|FLIPY = 0 / Vertically Flipped |-|CNTCVTMD= 0 / Count Convert Mode|-|CNTCVT = 1 / Count Convert|-|DTNWLGTH= 500. / Detection Wavelength|-|SNTVTY = 3.82 / Sensitivity|-|SPSNFLTR= -5551 / Spurious Noise Filter Mode|-|THRSHLD = 0. / Threshold|-|PCNTENLD= 116 / Photon Counting Enabled |-|NSETHSLD= 0 / Number of Photon Counting Thresholds |-|PTNTHLD1= 0. / Photon Counting Threshold 1|-|PTNTHLD2= 0. / Photon Counting Threshold 2 |-|PTNTHLD3= 0. / Photon Counting Threshold 3 |-|PTNTHLD4= 0. / Photon Counting Threshold 4 |-|AVGFTRMD= 0 / Averaging Filter Mode |-|AVGFCTR = 1 / Averaging factor |-|} FRMCNT = 1 / Frame Count USERTXT1= ' ' / User text USERTXT2= ' ' / User text USERTXT3= ' ' / User text USERTXT4= ' ' / User text DATE = '2015-04-17T14:34:28' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) FRAME = '2015-04-17T14:34:28.000' / Start of Frame Exposure ESHTMODE= 0 / Electronic Shuttering Mode AIRMASS = 'NA ' / The airmass (sec(z)) DATE-OBS= '2015-04-17T14:34:26.446239' / The time the user pushed start (UTC) DOMEPOS = 'NA ' / The dome position FILTERA = ' ' / The active filter in wheel A FILTERB = ' ' / The active filter in wheel B GPS-INT = ' ' / GPS trigger interval (msec) GPSSTART= ' ' / GPS start time (UTC; external) HA = 'NA ' / The telescope hour angle INSTANGL= 'NA ' / The instrument angle INSTRUME= 'SHD ' / The SHOC instrument name INSTSWV = '0.0 ' / The SHOC software version OBJDEC = ' ' / Declination of object OBJECT = ' ' / IAU name of observed object OBJEPOCH= ' ' / Object coordinate epoch OBJEQUIN= ' ' / Object coordinate equinox OBJRA = ' ' / Right ascension of object OBSERVER= ' ' / Observer who acquired the data OBSTYPE = ' ' / Observation type TELDEC = 'NA ' / The telescope declination TELESCOP= '40in ' / The telescope name TELFOCUS= 'NA ' / The telescope focus TELRA = 'NA ' / The telescope right ascension ZD = 'NA ' / The telescope zenith distance END     ====FITS Header Keyword Conversion====
With the release of the new, web-based software there have been changes in the naming of some of the FITS keywords. The keywords are documented in the table below: