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7 bytes added, 13:42, 25 March 2015
/* Configuring the SHOC computer (not the web interface!) */
To access the SHOC computer, ssh into it from a terminal on your local machine or tablet (e.g. ssh or ssh
* Ensure GPS location settings are correct in /home/ccd/programming/shoc/shoc/instruments/gps/
: ** after sshing, move into the directory: cd /home/ccd/programming/shoc/shoc/instruments/gps/: ** open the file using a viewer: vi ** Use the up and down arrows to view each line of the file. Check that the location settings for Sutherland are active (not commented with a '#') and that the settings for Cape Town are commented (i.e. are preceded by a '#'). To remove a character type x . To add a character type a followed by the character to add, then hit esc to stop inserting. To exit, type :wq .
* Edit service settings using the file /etc/init/shoc-camera.conf (the filepaths need to have the correct telescope and instrument names):
: ** after sshing, move into the directory: cd /etc/init/: ** open the file using a viewer: vi shoc-camera.conf:: *** Use the up and down arrows to view each line of the file. Change the telescope name to the name of the currently used telescope: 74in or 40in. The instrument name should already be set to SHA or SHD (for shocnawe or shocndisbelief) and the log level should be info (not debug). In the editor, to remove a character type x . To add a character type a followed by the character to add, then hit esc to stop inserting. To exit, type :wq .
* To enact any changes made during configuration, restart all services:
:**Under /home/ccd/programming/shoc, type the following: ./restart_services
===Technician's Troubleshooting guide ===