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2 bytes added, 17:35, 16 September 2020
/* Acquiring a target */
To adjust the pointing (e.g. to position a target and comparison star in the field), in the TCS Controls tab, click on the three dots beside "RA offset" (to shift the image horizontally) or "Dec offset" (for a vertical shift), enter the size of the required offset in arcsec, then click on the North, South, East or West button to move the telescope in the desired direction. When you're done, clicking the three dots again will hide the offset boxes.
'''6.''' The focus position is reported in the central status panel on the Controls tab. A reasonable starting point for SHOC focus with a filter in the beam is ~2000μm, or ~1800μm without a filter. Once you're close to focus, a reasonable increment for small adjustments is ~5μm10μm. Focus the telescope using the '''Adjust Focus...''' button, which brings up a box in which you can enter the focus increment, then click '''+''' or '''-''' to add or subtract e.g. 5μm 10μm to the focus position.
== Autoguiding ==