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1,012 bytes added, 20:49, 24 October 2015
/* If the TCS PC is on but the software is not running */
If the TCS PC is alive and responding but the programme is not running, it can be started by double-clicking on the TCS icon on the desktop and entering the password in the pop-up box (consult local technical staff for the password). You should then follow steps 1 and 2 in Section~\ref{sec-tcsnormalstart}.
=== If the TCS PC is switched off or not responding ===
Please call the duty electronics technician using the phone number displayed in the warm room.
== Instrument start-up procedure ==
=== STE3/STE4 ===
# Follow the start-up procedure described in Sections 1 and 2 of the "SAAO~CCD Camera Control Program, version 1.2", by J. W. Menzies, available in the warm room and on this page: [[]]
'''Important:''' Ensure that the following are correct in the blue "Details of Run" startup panel:
* '''CCD''': select STE3 or STE4
* '''Wheel A & B''': enter "1" into both boxes to enable filter wheels
* '''Next file''' number: if this is incorrect, existing images could be overwritten
# Initialise the filter wheels, move to the desired filter and adjust the prebin or window setting, if required.
# Take a bias frame (run a single line module with Repeats=1, Image Type=Bias and Save=Yes) and '''check that it saves to
/data/40in/imag40/YYYY/MMDD on ltsp.
== Current known issues (last updated Nov 2013)==