,/* Data Transfer */
** Open a shell on your local PC (Putty if you're using Windows or a bash/tcsh/sh if on Mac or Linux)
** Copy the data using the following command, depending on the telescope:
---- where <instrument> is SHA, SHD, or SHH and "/LocalFilePath" is the location on your local machine
---- the password is that for the shoc74in or shoc40in accounts
* (2) To move data to the SAN on the Sutherland plateau (from which you can access it by connecting to the SAAO server), there is a data copy script on the SHOC computer.
---- Without parameters, it will try to transfer today's data.
** To collect your data from the SAN, you'll have to secure copy it from ''''''. The usernames for this are '''ccd40''' and '''ccd74''' depending on your telescope. Ask for the password. Data are in the path /data/telescopedata/<TELESCOPE>/<INSTR>/<YYYY>/<MMDD>
---- where <instrument> is SHA, SHD, or SHH; YYYY is the year; MMDD is the month and day; and "/LocalFilePath" is the location on your local machine