<code>scp ccd74@astro.suth.saao.ac.za:/data/telescopedata/74in/SHA/2015/0325/*.fits ~/MySAAODataSomewhere</code>
<code>ssh shoc74in@shoc74in.suth.saao.ac.za</code> # example here using the user shoc74in on the instrument shoc74in.suth.saao.ac.za To move Move data to the SAN on the Sutherland plateau, run the shocdatacopy.sh script. Options can be:
shocdatacopy.sh -d yesterday # to transfer yesterday's data
shocdatacopy.sh -d YYYYMMDD # to transfer data from some specified date
<MMDD> MonthDay
<NUM> the Nth time this script has been run
To take your data with you, you'll have to secure copy it from the instrument or from '''astro.suth.saao.ac.za'''. The usernames for this are '''ccd40''' and '''ccd74''' depending on your telescope. Ask for the password. Data are in the path:
<code>scp ccd74@astro.suth.saao.ac.za:/data/telescopedata/74in/SHA/2015/0325/*.fits ~/MySAAODataSomewhere</code>
Useful: The 'tree' command will assist you in trying to look at what files are 'there'.
cd /data/74in/SHA/2015/
tree 0325
===Advanced users guide ===