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Observation requests for Lesedi+Mookodi

376 bytes added, 11:05, 9 September 2024
/* Getting started with the OCS */
You will need to create an account on the OCS by submitting the [ registration form]. You should then send an email to Ramotholo Sefako informing him of your username, so that he can link your telescope time to your OCS account. 
Once your account has been activated, you can sign in at the [ OCS login page]. It is advisable to go to your "Profile" by clicking on the person icon in the top-right-hand corner once you've logged in, and select your notification preferences at the bottom of the "Settings" page. If you tick both "Notifications enabled" and "Notifications on authored only", you will receive an email when a request you have submitted to the queue has been completed.
To submit an observation to the queue, click “Submit Observation” in the top left of the landing page, which will present you with the form to fill in. The first two components - [[#Populating RequestGroup and Request|RequestGroup and Request]] - are explained for all types of observations in the next section. Beyond that, there are recipes to follow for different types of observations.