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No change in size, 8 May
/* Running scripts */
We have developed a new much more stable command line method to run scripts. The instructions are as follow:
* Make sure the SHOC camera is ON and initialised (i.e., you have opened the SHOC webgui web GUI and hit the "Turn Camera On" button)
* Setup the camera to your desired readout mode, binning and gain settings (set triggering to "Internal" and kinetic series to "1")
* ssh to the "shoc box" SHOC PC as the "shoc74in" user (password is the regular "shoc74in" user’s password)

* Open the newly created script file with nano (or which ever terminal editor you prefer) and edit the script sequence as you desire. The positions you have to enter for the desired filters can be checked on the filter-wheel webgui (click on the blue “More” text) 

nano my_script.txt
* '''NB. very import important step''' - enter the "shocenv" python environment. If you do not do this you will get all sorts of python package import errors when trying to run the script routine

source /home/ccd/.pyenvs/shocenv/bin/activate
* Run the script specifying a few fields that will be used to add additional information to the headers: