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2,682 bytes added, 14:09, 7 May 2024
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== Acquiring a target ==
The instrument selector has replaced the old acquisition box, though the guide mirror remains. With shocnwonder mounted on the instrument selector, the acquisition procedure is slightly different from when past imaging cameras were mounted on the acquisition box. Whereas before, one would centre the guide mirror to allow the beam to pass through the central hole in the guide mirror to the camera, that hole is now covered by a fold mirror that directs the beam to shocnwonder, which is mounted at a 90 degree angle, effectively in the "initialise" position of the old acquisition & guiding camera. The new guide camera is mounted on linear stages that move in X and Y across the guide star finderchart field of view. If the guide camera is centred, it will obscure the SHOC beam, so it should always be away from centre when using SHOC. The XY slide coordinates at the centre of the field are (7150, 82000).
The procedure for acquiring a target with shocnwonder on the 1.9m is as follows:
On the TCS (tcs74v4), slew to the target:
1. If the guide star finderchart GUI is open, kill it with the "x" in the top corner
2. Enter RA and Dec into the guide star coordinates GUI, then press “Set”
3. Press “TARGET” on TCS GUI
4. Press “READ” on TCS GUI (RA, Dec will populate from the guide star GUI)
5. Press “Auto” on TCS GUI (telescope will slew to target)
To ensure that the guide camera is away from the centre of the field to avoid obscuring the SHOC beam, you should select your guide star now:
6. On guide star finderchart GUI - click on an appropriate guide star in the region outside of the green circle and the red rectangle
7. On TCS GUI: XY Slides Control - click on “Goto GS”
8. On TCS GUI: Exposures & Guiding - select and appropriate exposure time from the "Expose" pull down menu
Check fold mirror and focus on TCS GUI:
9. Press so that “FOLD MIRROR IS IN BEAM”. It should be in beam at all times while using SHOC.
10. If this is the start of your run, set telescope focus (FOCUS F18) to ~2170 (else use the value from last night/previous target)
11. Set Guide "Camera Focus" to ~6000 (enter 6000 in the "GOTO" box and press Enter on the keyboard)
12. Acquire field on SHOC:
* use SHOC's “Preview” mode
* adjust telescope pointing
* adjust telescope focus
* adjust guide camera focus if necessary
Start guiding:
13. Check that there is a guide star in the Acquisition & Guiding Control image, if not, repeat steps 6 & 7
14. On TCS GUI: Pointer - press “Guide Star”
15. On TCS GUI: Exposures & Guiding - press “GUIDE”
Start photometry:
16. On SHOC GUI - configure and take science exposures
== Data access ==