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74" / 1.9m - Instrument Selector

1,071 bytes removed, 22 February
/* Important Notes */
NB. (2) The annulas mirror, which used to be actuated to switch between acquistion and guiding mode, should '''NOT''' be actuated anymore for any reason. There is no danger in doing so but the new routines rely on the annuls mirror staying in the "SCIENCE" position (see screenshot below). There are plans to maybe disable the actuating motor eventually.
[[File:mookodi_sat_pred_vs_source_pos.gif|frame|left|Figure1: Shown is an animated gif of 50 frames @ 2×2 binning, fast (5 MHz) readout rate, and 100ms exposure time per frame of an observation of a GNSS satellite moving through the FoV. Note the readout smear, which is particularly apparent for bright stars, due to the shutter set to the "ALWAYS OPEN" mode. '''NB. This mode is MANDATORY for continues fast imaging.''' Approximate time between each frame is ~400ms (i.e., ~300ms dead-time between each frame due to image readout time, header information collection + population into fits header, and file written to disk). The CCD is flushed to clear any charge collected on the chip during dead-time before next frame is taken. The blue circles show the auto-detection of sources and which are used for astrometric calibration. The red cross shows the predicted postion of the satellite at the header time (keyword=DATE-OBS) + half the exposure time (in this case 50us) by querying an independent external satellite database. The green cross shows the position of the auto-detected source extracted that is closest predicted postionTodo]]