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304 bytes added, 10:15, 14 February 2023
/* Start-up: observing in Sutherland */
# Click the '''STARTUP''' button on the TCS. This will open the dome, baffle and mirror covers, and set the dome to follow the telescope, then switch off the slew lights. A blue progress circle will rotate on the button while all the commands are executed - don't try to send any other TCS commands until it disappears, indicating that the startup procedure is complete.
# The startup procedure rotates the tertiary mirror to Mookodi, so if you wish to use Sibonise click SIBONISE to the mid-left of the TCS display. The selected instrument name will turn green.
# On the central panel of the TCS "Controls" tab, check for green indicators showing the status of each subsystem: Mirror covers = Open; Secondary & Tertiary mirror motors = Auto; Dome: Control = TCS and Tracking = On; and the relevant rotator for your chosen instrument Tracking = On and Motors = Auto.
=== Start-up: observing remotely ===