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92 bytes removed, 11:50, 10 March 2021
/* Autoguiding */
# A catalogue image of your field will load in the bottom right. Click on a fairly bright star in the top half of the image to use as a guide star. The closer to the top of the image the better, to avoid vignetting the SHOC field (central) with the Lodestar camera pickoff arm.
# Click "GOTO GS" to the left of the finderchart. You will see the XY slide coordinates updating and the status "Moving = 1".
# In the upper-left "Exposure Control" section, enter an exposure time in milliseconds (e.g. 2000) and click "Start Continuous". Binning defaults to 2x2, indicated by the tiny "Binning = 2" text above the pull-down menu.
# The Lodestar image will continuously update. Your guide star should be visible - click on it, then click "Search guide star" in the "Guiding Control" section, and watch for the message box below it to be popoulated with numbers and a time stamp, e.g. "xs = -0.123456 ys = 1.234567 23:19".
# Click "Guide". If successful, the guide button will turn green, and the star will continuously be pulled back towards the red cross that appears on the image.