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49 bytes added, 21:19, 11 May 2020
/* Making a pointing model using SHOC */
6. In the Script window: <br>
Select the Plate Solve Stuff tab, and enter the number of calibration points you want to include in the model (100-use 150 for a thorough model, or just 40 to get started. N.B it is possible to adjust the size of the zone of avoidance around the zenith (currently set to 5°) in SiTechExe/Config/Change Config!/Mount Params - "Cal Points Pole Distance (degs)), the exposure time (depends on sky conditions, but typically ≤8s), SHOC binning (1) and the delay between the telescope settling and the image being taken (7s is reasonable - note that the dome needs to settle in this time) and make sure "Wait for rotator" is ticked to stop the image being taken while the rotator is getting into position.
Click "Make PointXP Run". The model will start gathering points with the telescope pointing South, so you can either rotate the dome to the South before running the script, or press "Play", then "Pause" while the dome catches up with the telescope - you can check the dome position in the "Dome" tab of the Dome Control GUI. This is the only time during the script that you would need to pause on account of the dome. Note that the way to resume the script is to click "Unpause", not "Play".