1. Instrument name - Mookodi
Nic reported the conclusion of the competition held to determine a name for the instrument, and requested everyone to take on the new name. It means 'rainbow' in Sesotho.
Link to pronunciation.
2. Filters
Filters have been ordered. The size is 33 x 33 x 5mm.
To avoid reflections, the filter slides will be tilted about the longitudinal axis of the slide, likely by tilting the whole mechanism. Iain will verify a reasonable tilt angle.
Update: Tilt angle should be min 4.2 degrees, therefore 5 degrees is reasonable.
3. Software
The software meeting went ahead on 2020/03/13, and the wiki has been updated with a software section indicating preliminary architecture.
There is a lot of compatibility in the software approaches by between LJMU and SAAO.
LJMU will provide a command line interface. SAAO will do a GUI at a later stage.
Functionality required still to be fleshed out, especially in terms of auto-acquisition. To assist the software approach, Iain will prepare an operations description for how the SPRAT instrument is currently used. SAAO will review for compatibility with SAAO telescope and astronomy operations and return requested modifications for the Mookodi implementation.
4. COVID-19
LJMU is closed, with everyone working from home, likely for 2 - 3 months. This will have an effect on lab work and the smaller suppliers (e.g. for machining parts). The Andor camera delivery is on track for 24 April.
SAAO is operating a general principle of working from home where feasible, which has not had major impact on development work so far.
Suggestion to use the 'remote' time to focus more on software in light of physical work delays. General agreement, though this eventually requires having hardware in hand (which can be arranged for the most part, barring compressed air).
LJMU will discuss internally on how to best focus efforts.
5. Hardware design
All teams need a few more weeks to wrap up hardware design and analysis before a review.
New proposed date is 17th April.
Likely that other SAAO engineers will be requested to participate in the review.
5. Milestones
Delivery expectations and schedule should be mapped out, especially taking into account the COVID-19 delays. Iain, Hitesh, and Nic to discuss during the following week.