

30 bytes removed, 14:37, 23 July 2015
/* Rescuing Data */
Under normal operation, the system automatically updates the FITS cube header with supplementary information (filter, external trigger parameters, telescope pointing information etc.) and the moves the cube to the permanent (for the night) storage area. From time to time, it may be necessary to do this manually, using the tool. In particular, if the system has frozen at the end of an acquisition, but before fixing the header and moving the data file, it will be necessary to perform this procedure. ''This procedure does NOT need to be done when stopping an acquisition; only if the interface hangs and you cannot do anything do you need to run this script.''
* The procedure is to open a terminal and find your data in the spool directory on the instrument computer. It's stored in a directory named /data/spool/<CCYYMMDD><index>.<HHMMSS> (where index is the index, CCYYMMDD is the date and HHMMSS is the time the acquisition started). For example, /data/spool/201503250002.141026/ .
* Caution: it is important to note that the date is the actual date valid when the acquisition was begun; if . If this was after midnight, the date will be incremented by one day (this . This is NOT the same as for the final FITS files; the final FITS file names are based on the date which was valid at the start of the night). Bear this in mind if you go back and try to rescue data which was acquired on previous night!
* The procedure is done by using ssh to connect to the SHOC host computer: