

374 bytes added, 12:40, 25 March 2015
/* User's troubleshooting guide */
=== User's troubleshooting guide===
* '''Acquisition doesn't start: ''' Check on the GPS tab that the trigger signal has been activated. If it has, but the camera is still not taking images, try stopping, resetting the GPS trigger to a time in the near future, and try again. Sometimes, it appears that the GPS trigger signal is not being sent (despite the software reporting that it is). If the camera is patiently awaiting the signal, restarting the GPS and not touching the camera settings should trigger successfully.* ''' Acquisition doesn't finish: ''' Sometimes it appears that the camera does not ever leave the acquiring state (despite all images in the kinetic series having been obtained). It may in this case be neccessary to restart the server, manually edit the FITS files to include the filter and timing informations, and to then copy them to their final destination. The server may be restarted running the command "restart_services" from a terminal. The data is spooled to a directory under /data/spool/, based on the date, the sequence number and the time the acquisition started. In this directory is the data file, data.fits, and file containing other acquisition parameters, info.txt. The latter may be used to update the FITS header. ----> THIS NEEDS TO BE UPDATED WITH MORE DETAIL. HOW DO THEY LOG IN? DO THEY HAVE PERMISSIONS TO RUN THE RESTART COMMAND? HOW ARE DATA COPIED FROM THE SPOOL DIRECTORY? EXACTLY WHAT HEADER INFO NEEDS TO BE UPDATED?
== Technician's guide ==