The specification sheets for the cameras, other manuals and documentation, can be found at .
====What you need to know about SHOC====
====Choosing an Observing Method====
* BINNING: The plate scale is 0.076 and 0.163 "/pixel for the 1.9m without and with the focal reducer. It is 0.167"/pixel for the 1.0m without the focal reducer. The optimal binning is ~ 3 pixels per full width half maximum. The seeing conditions in Sutherland are typically > 1"; therefore, SHOC should usually be binned at least 2x2.
: 1 MHz Conv....................1, 2.5, 5....................................... 4, 1.5, 0.7
: 3 MHz Conv...................1, 2.5, 5....................................... 10, 4, 1.8
====Technical Information ====
=== User's troubleshooting guide===