
Observation requests for Lesedi+Mookodi

686 bytes added, 12:53, 27 August 2024
/* Generic recipe: Target, Constraints, Window */
Click “Generate Cadence” once these fields are filled and the visibility plot will update with all possible observing options within the specified window.
== Submitting the request ==
Once you have completed all the sections, check that none of them has a red exclamation mark in the header, which would indicate that something needs to be addressed before it can be submitted.  Once all the details are correct, you can click “Submit Request” at the top right of the page, else “Save Draft” to return to it later.
To return to a draft, or to load a previously submitted observation to use as a template, you can retrieve a list using the “Drafts” button at the top of the “Submit Observation” page, then click the “Load” icon beside the relevant request and edit accordingly.