
/* Recipe 2: imaging - multiple filter cycling */
*'''Instrument''': 1M0a_Mookodi-Img
*'''Guide Mode''': For single short exposures (~60s) guiding isn’t necessary (Off), but for longer exposures, or multiple short exposures, it is advisable to use the autoguider (On). The "optional" tick box is not implemented so you can ignore it.
*'''Type''': Choose ''REPEAT_EXPOSE'' and a box will appear requesting a duration. In this example, your instrument configurations (filters) will be repeated in turn for two hours. (Do not use REPEAT_EXPOSE to take multiple images in only one filter as it will add a short delay between exposures - for single filter runs rather specify the number of images in Instrument Configuration Exposure Count.)
Other applicable options are Bias and Sky_flat, but these are taken automatically on a regular basis, so you will have access to them without observing them as part of your proposal.
*'''Acquire Mode''': The options are as follows, where AcN stands for "acquire nearest star" and "Acq" means to "acquire RA & Dec":
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*'''Exposure Count''': Enter the number of consecutive images 1 here to take with this instrument configuration and one exposure in each filter before moving on to the specified Exposure Timenext filter.
*'''Readout Mode''': The options are 1x1HighFastOpen, 1x1HighFastAuto, 1x1HighSlowAuto, 2x2HighFastAuto with the format Binning_Gain_Readout_Shutter and the following definitions:
#''Binning'': 1x1 (platescale 0.59 arcsec/pix) or 2x2 (1.18 arcsec/pix)
*'''Offset RA/Dec''': this is not implemented so should be left blank.
Assuming the only change you wish to make between exposures is the filter, it's easiest to complete one Instrument Configuration, then click on the green "copy" icon in the section title bar to add another pre-populated Instrument Configuration for as many filters as you need, then edit the Filter or Obfilter field as appropriate. This example will continuously cycle 20s in g', then 25s in r' for 7200s.