
Observation requests for Lesedi+Mookodi

1,573 bytes added, 29 July
/* Recipe 1: imaging with a single filter */
This recipe describes the Configuration and Instrument Configuration options for Mookodi's imaging mode.
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#''AcN:ON&Acq:ON'': this option first centres the specified coordinates on the centre of the CCD, then adjusts the pointing to recentre on the brightest star found within a 3 arcsec search area around that position. This is useful for transients which may not have such accurate coordinates.
*'''Dither''': Select ''None'' as this is not commissioned on Lesedi+Mookodi.
===Instrument Configuration===
For a single filter, you will only need one instrument configuration.
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*'''Exposure Count''': Enter the number of consecutive images to take with this instrument configuration and the specified Exposure Time.
*'''Readout Mode''': The options are 1x1HighFastOpen, 1x1HighFastAuto, 1x1HighSlowAuto, 2x2HighFastAuto with the format Binning_Gain_Readout_Shutter and the following definitions:
#''Binning'': 1x1 (platescale 0.59 arcsec/pix) or 2x2 (1.18 arcsec/pix)
#''Gain'': High (for faint targets) or Low (bright targets)
#''Readout rate'': Fast (5 MHz - read noise 13.6 electrons) or Slow (0.05 MHz read noise 3.3 electrons)
#''Shutter'': Open must be selected for multiple exposures <60 seconds (time series will therefore typically be 1x1HighFastOpen).  Otherwise Auto for longer exposures.
*'''Filter''': Mookodi has two filter magazines, which the OCS calls Filter and Obfilter (below).  There needs to be one filter – and only one filter – in the beam at any time, so you need to select one from one of the two magazines.  In this box you can select an SDSS filter.  If you want to use a clear filter, it is in the next field, so select OUT here.
*'''Obfilter''': If you have selected an SDSS filter in the Filter option, select OUT here.  Otherwise select Clear.  Do not select OrdBlk_Fltr - this is for spectroscopy.
*'''Slit''': must be OUT.
*'''Grism''': must be OUT.
Offset RA/Dec: this is not implemented so should be left blank.