

15 bytes removed, 11:16, 15 February 2022
/* The Controls Tab */
*'''Green''': a subsystem or state is either selected (e.g. in the screenshot above, the telescope is tracking at the sidereal rate, and the SHOC instrument is selected), or is in the correct state for observing (e.g. mirror covers open, dome shutters open, telescope tracking, dome tracking, rotator 1 (SHOC) tracking).
*'''Orange''': a subsystem is in an inappropriate state for observing. If the mirror covers or dome shutters are closed, their indicators would turn orange; likewise if the lights are switched on their indicators would be orange. In the screenshot above, Rotator 2's indicator is orange - this is acceptable because SHOC (selected in green on the left) is mounted on Rotator 1, so only Rotator 1 needs to track with the telescope.
*'''Blue''': a parameter that has can be a range of numerical value but no right or wrong state values is indicated in blue, e.g. azimuth or airmass.
==== Emergency Stop ====