

196 bytes added, 22:49, 22 July 2020
/* Autoguiding */
# On the main autoguider GUI, if using SHOC select Slide 0; or Slide 1 for Sibonise.
# If the status of any of the error codes (Err, XLL, XUL, YLL or YUL) is 1, click RESET, then INITIALISE. "FAKE" should always be a green "Fake is OFF" button while guiding - this is a test function for engineering purposes.
# To start continuous exposures with the autoguider Lodestar camera, enter a number (~2 seconds) in the box on the right, and click CONTINUOUS. Binning should be set to 2x2. To get a workable look-up table, on the left-hand side of the main autoguider GUI, move the upper slider ~1/6 of the way from the bottom. Leave the other two sliders in their default positions.
# Enter the target coordinates in the separate GS_FC window and click "Set".
# Check that a finder chart loads showing your field. Guide stars are to be selected from outside the green box in the finder chart image. When North is Up in the SHOC/Sibonise image, click on a star in the upper half of the image to use as a guide star.