

5 bytes removed, 17:11, 15 June 2017
/* Shutdown recipe */
=== Shutdown recipe ===
% * Park centrald -> "off" to close mirror and baffle covers, park telescope, park and close dome <br />* * (These steps can be done individually with: currently using APM0 -> close, T0 -> "altaz 50 90park" until the , CUP -> "parkclose" function is fixed (do NOT use , CUP -> "park" for now as the telescope position will time out and all sorts of things will go belly up on restarting everything). <br />* (The close commands can be done in one combination: centrald -> "close" to close mirror covers, baffle cover, then dome )<br />* Manually lockout the dome using the switch Switch on the observing floor* Manually park the dome pointing lights (CUP -> toggle "lights" parameter) to the West using the buttons on the check telescope & dome via webcam: box on the North side of the observing floor/userimage.html then switch lights off
=== Running SHOC through rts2 ===