Submitting the request
Hannah uploaded a new version of File:OcsConfigSpecImage.png
Configuration: imaging with non-sidereal tracking
Configuration: imaging with non-sidereal tracking
Instrument Configuration
Configuration: spectroscopy
Recipe 4: Imaging with non-sidereal tracking
Recipe 4: Imaging with non-sidereal tracking
Recipe 4: Imaging with non-sidereal tracking
Instrument Configuration
Instrument Configuration
Configuration: spectroscopy
Recipe 4: Imaging with non-sidereal tracking
no edit summary
Recipe 4: Imaging with non-sidereal tracking
Recipe 4: Imaging with non-sidereal tracking
Recipe 4: Imaging with non-sidereal tracking
Recipe 4: Imaging with non-sidereal tracking
Recipe 4: Imaging with non-sidereal tracking
Getting started with the OCS
Getting started with the OCS
User's Troubleshooting Guide
The Instrument Schematic
SpUpNIC User Interfaces
Setting up the slit position on the TCS - using the SpUpNIC Control GUI
Focusing The Spectrograph - running a Hartmann sequence
Bias Frames
Biases and flats
Getting started with the OCS
Getting started with the OCS
Focusing the acquisition camera
Recent Updates
Focusing the telescope
Setting up the slit position on the TCS - using the SpUpNIC Control GUI
Dome flat recipe
Operational changes with SHOCnWonder on the instrument selector
Operational changes with SHOCnWonder on the instrument selector
Observing a target
Observing a target
Observing a target
Observing a target
Biases and flats
Biases and flats
Observing a target
Observing a target
Biases and flats
Acquiring a target with SHOCnWonder on the instrument selector