

1,055 bytes added, 14:05, 20 April 2015
/* FITS Header Keywords */
|RAYWAVE = 0. / Rayleigh Wavelength
| This seems to be irrelevant, since we are not taking spectra.
|CALBWVNM= 0 / Wave calibration
| This seems to be irrelevant, since we are not taking spectra.
|TRIGGER = 'Internal' / Trigger mode
|READTIME= 1.0E-06 / Pixel readout time
| This corresponds to the 1, 3, 5, or 10 MHz readout amplifier.
|OPERATN = 4 / Type of system
|PREAMP = 1. / Pre Amplifier Gain
| This corresponds to the 1, ~2.5x, or ~5x gain setting.
See the camera spec sheets for corresponding e/ADU conversions,
|SERNO = 6448 / Serial Number
| The serial number of the camera.
|UNSTTEMP= -35.764 / Unstabilized Temperature
|DTNWLGTH= 500. / Detection Wavelength
| A misleading keyword: the camera has no information about filters!
|SNTVTY = 3.82 / Sensitivity
| The e/ADU conversion.
|SPSNFLTR= -5551 / Spurious Noise Filter Mode
| A keyword that we are still trying to decipher. There are multiple camera
settings, and they result to values ofeither 0 or -5551. Setting 0 returns
normal-looking data, but returns this -5551 value.
|THRSHLD = 0. / Threshold
|PCNTENLD= 116 / Photon Counting Enabled
|A keyword that we are still trying to decipher.
When this camera setting is "off" the value of 116 is listed in the
header. When the setting is "on" the value is 0.
|NSETHSLD= 0 / Number of Photon Counting Thresholds
|TELDEC = 'NA ' / The telescope declination
| Read from the TCS. Currently only on the 74in!
|TELESCOP= '40in ' / The telescope name
|TELFOCUS= 'NA ' / The telescope focus
| Read from the TCS.Currently only on the 74in!
|TELRA = 'NA ' / The telescope right ascension
| Read from the TCS.Currently only on the 74in!
|ZD = 'NA ' / The telescope zenith distance
| Read from the TCS.Currently only on the 74in!