

165 bytes added, 17:02, 3 April 2015
/* Recuing Data */
* The info.txt file contains the supplementary information.
* Change to this directory.
* Run the rescue utility: type rescue_data sudo and then answer the questions as prompted. You'll be prompted for a password, use the password for the user you logged in as.
* The telescope is the name of the telescope being used; either 40in or 74in.
* The instrument will be one of shocnawe (SHA) or shocndisbelief (SHD). These are used to create the directory and filename in the /data directory. The directory will be of the form /data/<telescope>/<instrument>/<YYYY>/<MMDD>, and the file of the form <instrument>_<YYYYMMDD>.<index>.fits. From this, the instrument name can be determined. At the moment, SHA is the SHOC instrument mounted on the 74inch.
* You will be prompted for an index to use. NB: make sure there is no existing file with the same index that will be overwritten (one option is to use an index like 3a , if index 3 exists).