

53 bytes added, 18:32, 27 March 2015
/* GPS */
* Select the filter required, by using the up and down arrows on the right of the "Required Position" field. The filter name will indicate the filter in the selected position. Click the "Move" button. The indicators above the wheel controls should change; once the wheel has reached the required position, the "Moving" indicator should turn grey, while the "Centred" indicator should be green. The "Current Position" field will indicate the slot number and name of the filter now in the light path.
====GPS(optional: to be used for accurately-timed images)====
* The GPS tab allows the user to view the time, GPS state, and to change the Programmed Output Pulse (POP) settings.
* Check that the time is valid, and that there are no alarm conditions indicated.
* To set the Programmed Output Pulse, choose whether you want a single or repeating pulse, then choose a pulse width, the start date and time (in local time, 24 hour format), and for repeating pulses, the repeat interval. Then push the "Apply" button. Note: the POP may only be set to occur in the future; if an error occurs, check that you haven't chosen a time in the past.
* To stop the pulses from being sent, click the "Stop" button.
* The camera tab allows control and setting of the SHOC imaging camera.