''Note: It is advisable that DARK frames should be taken with the shutter in the "ALWAYS CLOSED" mode. BIAS frames (especially if multiple frames are taken) SHOULD ALWAYS be taken with the shutter in the "ALWAYS CLOSED" mode since this will deactivate the iris-shutter in the closed state and prolong the lifetime, see also [[#Suitable_Uses|high cadence imaging]] in the Suitable uses section at the top of this page.
== Data Access ==
From a terminal window:
scp observer@mookodi.suth.saao.ac.za:/data/lesedi/mkd/yyyy/mmdd/* .<local path to copy to>
Password: Same as username with "Saao" prefixed.
Where <code>yyyy</code> is the year, <code>mm</code> is the month, and <code>dd</code> is the day. The convention is that the data rolls over to the current date at 1200 UTC, hence all the files from a given night are stored in the folder corresponding to the date at the start of the night. e.g. All observations started on the night of 2021/12/11 will be stored in <code>/data/lesedi/mkd/2021/1211/</code>.