

383 bytes added, 07:26, 24 August 2021
/* Autoguiding */
# Check that "Error = 0". If "Error = 1" click "RESET".
# Click "INITIALISE" to initialise the XY slides. Confirmation of a successful initialisation is indicated with "Initialised = 1".
# Select Slide 0 if using SHOC, or Slide 1 for Sibonise. '''Make sure the camera is not exposing when switching slides.'''# Enter the RA and Dec of your target on the two lines below "Fetch DSS image". Use space delimiters, not colons, then press . # '''Slew the telescope to the target using the TCS and make sure it is tracking before pressing the "Fetch DSS image" button'''. This is important because the autoguider software needs to know the rotator angle relative to the sky in order to load the catalogue image in the correct orientation.
# A catalogue image of your field will load in the bottom right. Click on a fairly bright star in the top half of the image to use as a guide star. The closer to the top of the image the better, to avoid vignetting the SHOC field (central) with the Lodestar camera pickoff arm.
# Click "GOTO GS" to the left of the finderchart. You will see the XY slide coordinates updating and the status "Moving = 1".