

13 bytes added, 00:01, 11 June 2021
/* Backup autoguiding procedure */
# Click the red GUIDE button - it should turn green to indicate that it has started guiding.
'''If guiding fails''' at any point during a track (e.g. due to cloud), the button will turn red. Try increasing the exposure time (change the value and click "CONTINUOUS") and click GUIDE if the star is sill near the box. If the star has drifted, you can either offset the telescope to bring it back to its original position and then click GUIDE, or if it is not important to you to keep the target in the original position on the science image, you can repeat the guide star selection procedure to resume guiding in the new post-drift position.
'''To stop the autoguider: '''
# Click "GUIDE" to stop guiding.
# Click "STOP CONT." to stop exposing.