sudo ./RunAstrometry
3. The SHOC browser should be closed, but there's no need to turn the camera off. In the SiTechCamera GUI, select the Latest Image tab, enter an exposure time and click "TakeImage". Check that the image loads (the image scaling can't be adjusted, so if you can't see any stars, make sure you're pointing at stars and tracking, the telescope is focused and that the exposure time is sensiblefor a 1m).
4. Make sure that SHOC's rotator is tracking, and is set to "Track PA" and "If PA is out of range, Track PA+-180" on "Config Page 1" of the rotator GUI. On the "Tertiary mirror" tab of the SiTech TCP Focuser GUI, ensure that the tertiary mirror is at the correct angle ("Current Position" = "Final Position (Right Fork)".