* "1.0-m Telescope Control Software: A User's Guide" by Stephen Potter & Hannah Worters
* [https://www.saao.ac.za/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/SAAOCCDmanual.pdf "SAAO CCD Camera Control Program, version 1.2" by J. W. Menzies]
* [https://shoc.saao.ac.za/Documents/ShocnHelpful.pdf "SHOC User Guide", by Rocco Coppejans] – contains useful instrument info, but new software described on SHOC wiki
* SHOC wiki [https://topswiki.saao.ac.za/index.php/SHOCSHOC wiki]
* [https://shoc.saao.ac.za/SHOCsnr.html SHOC exposure time and prebin calculator] * [https://shoc.saao.ac.za/Pipeline/README.txt SHOC data reduction pipeline] Much of the manual assumes that the user has never before set foot in the dome, and has no local human to guide them. This is particularly true for Chapter[[Link title40" / 1.0m*A guided tour of the dome]]{chap-tour}.
. {\bf If you are familiar with the telescope, you may wish to skip Chapter~\ref{chap-tour}, but please read Chapters~\ref{chap-limits} and~\ref{chap-faults} as some things have changed(!)}. Observing recipes are given in Chapters~\ref{chap-start} to~\ref{chap-end}, which may prove useful as checklists for experienced observers and novice users alike.