Accessing data taken on the imag40 machine
- To access data taken on the imag40 machine open up a terminal on the thin client in the 1.0m and go to (assuming today was 2015 Oct 8):
- Alternatively you can connect via a remote machine (your Linux laptop for instance) using:
ssh cd /data/40in/imag40/2015/1008
Changes 2015-10-08 to data flow of STE3
- One line was changed in this script /usr/local/IMAGE/RunImage:
export IM_DIR=/data/ccd/symlink_imagedir
- A script runs from /etc/crontab every day at noon; /usr/local/bin/ . This redirects the symlink /data/ccd/symlink_imagedir to /data/ccd/image/YYYY/MMDD using the current days date.
This allows data to be written to different directories each day following the standard of other instruments at SAAO.
- A script /usr/local/saao/bin/ runs from /etc/crontab every 15 seconds and grabs data from using rsync. It then places the data in /data/telescopedata/40in/imag40/YYYY/MMDD .
This server can access the same data copied by immediately at a similar location: