Conditions on the Plateau
A syndication of weather from telescopes on the plateau
TimDimm; the current sky image. Also in Movie format!
Using the "thin client" computers in the domes
For those who've been here before, we no longer have an s20, s30, s40 and s74 computers in the domes. Those used to be for reduction of data, but now we're using a terminal computer approach. We call this a thin client and they're similar to the "old days" where there was some computer in a basement somewhere and many terminals connected to them.
There should be a username and password on the top of every screen in each of the domes, but the general approach will be ccd<telescope>, and then the standard SAAO password. e.g. ccd40, and <standard password>.
Getting started
Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.
Hosted Instrument and Telescopes
We host a number of telescopes and instruments on-site. Here is a list (updated 28/Jan/2015) as well as relevant information about the main contact people, emails, Skype (if available) and anything else we know about them.
Seismograph [Home Page] List:
Technical contact:
Carl Ebeling 1-858-822-4713 No Skype
Administrative contact:
Peter Davis 1-858-534-2839 No Skype