The "new" 1-m telescope was installed in the dome that previously housed a 30-inch telescope. The telescope was built by APM Telescopes[1] and was lifted into the dome on 02 August 2016. Commissioning is currently underway.
The 30-inch telescope was donated to the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal.
Watch this space!
Commissioning Aids
Running SHOC through rts2
- Start rts2 control of SHOC on shocndisbelief:
sudo bash
cd /home/petr/rts2/src/camd
sudo killall CameraServer && sudo ./rts2-camd-andor --server
- Take images with SHOC:
ssh -X
rts2-xfocusc -d C0 -e 1
(where -e is the exposure time option. Add "-X 1" to overlay grid lines).
- Take and save an image with SHOC:
CTRL-C out of rts2-xfocusc
rts2-scriptexec -d C0 -s 'E 1'
Running AG Lodestars through rts2
- Check whether Lodestar is connected:
ssh (or pimag2 for DER2)
Look for "Starlight Xpress Lodestar autoguider" in output
- Start rts2 control of Lodestar on the pi:
sudo bash
/etc/init.d/rts2 start
- Take images with the Lodestar:
ssh -X
rts2-xfocusc -d AG1CCD -e 1
(where AG1CCD is on DER1 and -e is the exposure time option).
- Take and save an image with the Lodestar:
CTRL-C out of rts2-xfocusc
rts2-scriptexec -d AG1CCD -s 'E 1'
- Loop multiple saved images:
rts2-scriptexec -d AG1CCD -s 'for 5 {E 1}'
(also rts2-xfocusc --save)
Pointing tests
Follow section on Running SHOC through rts2 then
- Naughty telescope claims "Trying to contact centrald" and rts2-mon won't start:
sudo /etc/init.d/rts2 start
- Certain subsystems don't wake up:
sudo /etc/rts2/start-rts2
- Certain subsystems don't wake up with start-rts2 command above:
ps -Af | grep rts2 sudo killall <relevant process>
where <relevant process> could be:
rts2-centrald - comms (?)
rts2-apm-multidev - mirror & baffle cover & primary mirror fans
rts2-teld-sitech-altaz - alt & az motors
rts2-sitech-focmirror - M2 and M3
rts2-httpd - for thrift?
rts2-cupola-saao - dome
Then restart:
sudo <relevant process>
- Derotators still don't wake up with start-rts2 command above:
sudo rts2-rotad-sitech -f /dev/derotators --defaults-der1 -=/etc/rts2/D1.ini --defaults-der2 -=/etc/rts2/D2.ini