SpUpNIC User Manual
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This is the user manual for the newly upgraded spectrograph at the Cassegrain focus of the 1.9 metre telescope. Most of the mechanical components have been rebuilt, the optics have been significantly improved, and the instrument has a new detector. We hope you enjoy using it!
Change Log
Quick Start
- If the main user interface and quick-look interfaces are not running, they may be started from the panel on the left edge of the screen. The main user interface is started with the icon of an absorption spectrum, and the quick-look interface from the icon of an emission spectrum.
- The main user interface has a number of tabs:
- The main tab, in which you'll spend most of your time,
- The Advanced tab, which may be used if things go wrong,
- The engineering tab, which displays various diagnostic settings
- The other tab
- There is also a panel on the right, showing a schematic of the optical components.