,/* Usage Instructions */
NB. you may need to use "python3" if you haven't linked your python to python 3.6+
* A typical example to reduce and extract photomery from Mookodi data would be something like this:
python SAAO Mookodi MKD --bias MKD --flat MKD --image_dir /full/path/to/science/fits/files/ --bias_dir /full/path/to/bias/fits/files/ --flat_dir /full/path/to/flat/fits/files/ --out_dir /full/path/to/chosen/output/directory/ --do_plot True --source_sigma 1.5
NB. you may need to use "python3" if you haven't linked your python to python 3.6+
* Wait for window to appear and select target and comparison star with mouse-clicks.