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24 bytes added, 22:45, 22 July 2020
/* SHOC on Lesedi vs. other SAAO telescopes */
SAAO has two Andor cameras, interchangeably referred to as SHOC. The one largely dedicated to Lesedi is "shocndisbelief" ("shocnawe" is usually on the 1.9- & 1.0-m). Shocndisbelief has a roving bias issue in the 1MHz mode (a differential count level occurs, the number of rows affected varying with time) so it is recommended to operate in 3MHz readout. SHOC's field of view is larger on Lesedi than on the other telescopes (5.7x5.7 arcmin<sup>2</sup>), with a platescale of 0.33"/pixel, so the appropriate binning is usually 1x1 or 2x2.
On the Advanced tab of the SHOC control browser, set both "Flip X Axis" and "Flip Y Axis" to OFF to set SHOC's image display to North up and East to the left on Lesedi.
The login for SHOC on Lesedi is given in the Lesedi User Resources google doc.