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87 bytes added, 8 May
/* Running scripts */
* '''NB. very important step''' - enter the "shocenv" python environment. If you do not do this you will get all sorts of python package import errors when trying to run the script routine

source /home/ccd/.pyenvs/shocenv/bin/activate
* Run the script specifying a few fields that will be used to add additional information to the headers('''if your declination is negative, make sure you put square brackets around it)''': python --observer "John Soap" --ra 00:00:00 --dec +[-00:00:00 ] --obj "my awesome star" --type OBJECT --script_file my_script.txt --num_iter 3
* If you get this message on the terminal and you’l also notice the SHOC camera page GUI showing a "Error: 500 Internal Server Error":
[ERROR] Error running script: TSocket read 0 bytes