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Mookodi time-stamp tests

8 bytes added, 13:09, 14 April 2022
/* Results */
*'''Example data:'''
[[File:mookodi_sat_pred_vs_source_pos.gif|frame|left|Figure1: Shown is an animated gif of 50 frames @ 2×2 binning, fast (5 MHz) readout rate, and 100ms exposure time per frame. Note the readout smear particularly apparent for bright stars due to the shutter set to the "ALWAYS-OPEN" mode. Approximate time between each frame is 400ms (i.e., ~300ms dead-time between each frame due to image readout time, header information collection + population into fits header, and file written to disk). CCD is flushed to clear any charge collected on the chip during dead-time before next frame is taken. The blue circles show the auto-detection of sources and which are used for astrometric calibration. The red cross shows the predicted postion of the satellite at the header time (keyword=DATE-OBS)+half the exposure time (in this case 50us) by querying an independent external satellite database. The green cross shows the position of the auto-detected source extracted that is closest predicted postion]]