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40" / 1.0m

215 bytes removed, 10:40, 23 April 2019
/* Determining pointing offsets using a bright star */
=== Determining pointing offsets using a bright star ===
If you have trouble finding your target -- and you have checked the equinox and coordinates have been entered correctly into the TCS -- the problem may be the pointing. An offset can be determined for that part of the sky using the following procedure: #Follow the facility [[#Start-up recipe|start-up procedure]].
# Using the Astronomical Almanac or Sutherland Almanac, select a bright star (~4th mag) near your science target (ideally within RA~30m and dec~10°).
# Check that the target and bright star selected are within the [[#Telescope pointing limits|observing limits]].
# '''Initialise''' the XY-slides.
# Move the '''guide mirror into the beam'''.
# Click "TARGET" and type the RA & Dec of the bright star into the appropriate boxes, then click "SET" and "CLEAR". The coordinates will appear in yellow on the monitors above the TCS and on the observing floor to help you point to the target.
# Type the '''equinox''' of the bright star coordinates into the "SET EQUINOX" box and press "ENTER" on the keyboard.
 '''At the blue console by the North pier:'''# Switch Click "TARGET" and type the central toggle switches to FAST.# Use the yellow RA \& Dec buttons to slew to of the bright starinto the appropriate boxes, watching both ends of then click "Auto" for automatic slewing. If nothing happens, check that you have completed the telescope as well as the coordinate display monitor. You should point to within 30s (RA) and 1[[#Start-up recipe|start-2 arcmin (dec) of your target coordinatesup procedure]].# Switch The auto slew can be cancelled by clicking the central toggle switches to SLOW to commence tracking"Manual" or "Stop Tel. + Dome" button.  '''Back at the TCS:'''
# Set "Exp Time" to ~1s and "WINDOW" to "Full frame" to take images with the acquisition camera.
# Use the hand paddle arrow buttons in the lower left of the TCS display for fine adjustment of the telescope to the star's coordinates, while watching the image display for to centre the bright star to appear.# If the bright star is not apparentdoesn't appear, first check the equinox and coordinates are correct, then adjust "Exp Time" to ~10s and look for light from the star beaming in from one side of the image, revealing its position. Looking through the finderscope might help determine in which direction to move the telescope. If this fails, reduce the exposure time and scan the field systematically in RA & Dec.# Once the bright star appears, select the minimum exposure time, centre the star on the image and click "P" by the target Target button.
# Select "ZERO POINTS" → "Enter RA & Dec of Star", then type the '''catalogue coordinates''' of the bright star into the boxes and press "SET".
# The RA & Dec zeropoints will be displayed in the message box. Note them down with the HA \& Dec as you will need to re-enter them using "ZERO POINTS" → "Enter Zeros Directly" if the TCS software is restarted, or if you return to this part of the sky after using different zeropoints in a different position. You do not need different zeropoints for different equinoxes. There is no need to note the collimation coefficient as it is ignored by the pointing model.
== Acquiring a target ==